Why a low-cost smartphone is a better deal than a flagship smartphone

Smartphones are essential devices for many people, but they can also be very expensive. Flagship smartphones are the ones that offer the latest and greatest features and specifications, but they also come with a hefty price tag. Low-cost smartphones, on the other hand, are the ones that offer decent performance and functionality, but at a…

Why I am happier with the new iPhone 15 Pro Max over my old Android phone

The iPhone 15 Pro Max is the latest and most advanced smartphone from Apple, released in September 2023. It has a 6.7-inch OLED display, a triple-camera system with 12-megapixel sensors, a LiDAR scanner, a 5-nanometer A15 Bionic chip, 5G connectivity, and a ceramic shield front cover that is four times more resistant to drops than…

Why You Shouldn’t Upgrade To The Samsung S24 Ultra

The Galaxy S24 Ultra is the latest flagship phone from Samsung, and it claims to offer a lot of features and improvements over its predecessors. However, there are also many reasons why you should not buy this phone, and why you might be better off with a different device. Here are some of the main…

Welcome To The Age Of The Mid-Range Smartphone

For years, many people have lined up for the newest Galaxy devices or the latest offering from Apple. Trade-ins, trade-ups, financing, leasing, anything that needed to happen to get that new device in their pockets was done with great haste. As generation after generation has come and gone, fewer and fewer are lining up for…

Wishing For Tech Deals Too Good To Be True?

When it comes right down to it, tech is expensive if you want the latest and greatest features from it. From your phone to your laptop, or your TV to your tablet, everything adds up quickly. The question is, does it really have to? I’ve spent the last few weeks trolling the popular “discount site”…

Did Motorola Just Change The Game?

Call it shots fired. Call it game changing. Call it whatever you want, but the fact of the matter is, today, Motorola and their parent company Lenovo officially launched preorders for two of the most exciting handsets to come along in 2020. Now, you may call that nuts and may even stop reading right now,…

Building The Ultimate Tech Travel Bag

If you are anything like me, your smartphone has become an intricate part of your travel life. Whether you are headed out across the country on a business trip or just heading out of town for a family getaway, our phones are how we capture and share so much of our lives today. Although these…

Decent Earphones Don’t Have To Cost A Fortune

Call me crazy, but when I see a simple set of over-the-ear wireless earphones on the shelf for $300, I start to wonder what the world is coming to. Yes, we have our $1200 phone without a headphone jack that we want to stream our movies and music from, but do we really need $300…

A Really Big Power Bank That Doesn’t Quite Deliver

So, the good the bad and the ugly with any power bank is the balance between size and capacity. When we recently upgraded to phones that all had wireless charging (and having a phone that once had the charging port crash out on me during a vacation) finding a power bank that offered a wireless…

My Take On The Note 9 Vs. iPhone 11 Debate

Recently, I have been doing quite a bit of homework on the video capabilities of the newer phones out on the market in hopes of bringing on product review videos here. One of the features that has me looking at replacing my Note 9 is the fact that the front facing camera doesn’t shoot 4k…